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Tickets for 2021 Sunshine Arts Festival available now


(Provided by NSYSU Art Center) 2020 is over! NSYSU 2021 Sunshine Arts Festival: Next Stop is just around the corner to welcome the new year and create more good memories for the NSYSU students about to graduate. This year’s Festival, lasting from March 11th to June 21st, invited art groups representing the whole diversity of Taiwan and well-known groups to perform at Sun Yat-Sen Hall. Tickets for part of the events are already available.

NSYSU 2021 Sunshine Arts Festival: Next Stop program includes lectures on art, classical music, interdisciplinary arts, folk art, shows, and screenings of the Sunset Bay Film Festival. The master lecture will be given by Dr. Ted Chang, the Chief Technology Officer and Vice President of Quanta Computer and the President of Quanta Research Institute. The lecture series on philosophy and aesthetics will focus on instruction and speech, while the classical music program features Bach and classical French organ music. The interdisciplinary arts program features splendid performances by Kaohsiung City Chinese Orchestra and Ryan Lin Jazz Quartet. The folk art program features vocal and dance performances by the international award-winning Tjimur Dance Theatre and Puzangalan Children's Choir, and many other shows and film screenings organized in collaboration with related departments and institutes of the University and arts and culture organizations.

The Art Center at NSYSU is committed to the field of arts and humanities, hoping to use them as a means of communication to connect generations, bring people together, search for a common understanding, concentrate the energy of the people, hoping to tie friendships through arts. Sunshine Arts Festival welcomes teachers, staff, students, alumni, the local community, and art savvies to enjoy together the atmosphere of the Festival on campus.

Get tickets at NSYSU Art Center from Monday to Friday 9:00-12:00, 13:30-16:30. Reservations: 07 525 20 00, ext. 2715

(Edited by Public Affairs Division)
Tickets for 2021 Sunshine Arts Festival available now
Tickets for 2021 Sunshine Arts Festival available now
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