With the 2025 international carbon tax imminent, the research team led by Chun-Hu Chen, a Distinguished Professor of the...
NSYSU doctoral student won the Hon Hai Technology Award for the original iris recognition technology
In the movie "Minority Report," Tom Cruise's character can unlock devices, make payments, and even receive personaliz...
National Sun Yat-sen University (NSYSU), nestled between mountains and the sea, has breathed new life into the outdoor f...
Emerging semiconductor materials are constantly being introduced, with Gallium Trioxide (Ga2O3) having a wide range of a...
Nearly half of adults over the age of 40 in Taiwan suffer from Metabolic Associated Fatty Liver Disease (MAFLD)! The Cen...
A team led by Associate Professor Ken-Lin Chang of the Institute of Environmental Engineering at National Sun Yat-sen University (NSYSU) has developed innovative technologies to convert useless agricultural waste and carbon dioxide into high-value-added Cellulose Nanofiber (CNF) ...
Academia Sinica announced the list of newly elected Academicians for the 34th term. Chen-Tung Arthur Chen, an adjunct Ch...
On April 3rd, 2024, Hualien was struck by its largest earthquake since the 1999 Chi-Chi Earthquake. In response, the Col...